How To Use

Kaveret's Unofficial Home Page was created in order to give Kaveret's fans an information source about the band. But it was shut down in July 1999, and Inspite Of Everything - Kaveret's Unofficial Archive was born instead. This home page has no connection to Hed-Arzi's Official Site.

This site is best viewed using Netscape 3.0 or higher, with 640x480 resulotion or higher. Meaning, it was created a long time ago, and probably looks OK with anything you might be using right now.

The site is divided into frames:

The Main Navigation Bar
On this frame there are links to the main sections of this site: The Members, Albums, History, Pictures, Interviews, Miscellaneous and About.
Also, there is a date stating the last time a part of the site was updated by me.
On the right corner there is a counter, stating how many people have visited this site since January, 1997. Below there's an envelope icon , which by clicking on you can send me an e-mail. If your browser doesn't have mailing capabilities, you can send an e-mail by an external mailing program to this address:

The Left Index
Clicking on the section's name, such as Albums, links to its information page. This is good for getting information about the pages and features of the section, the special icons and initials used in some of the pages, and other notes and remarks.
Clicking on reloads the left navigation bar. This is good in case you linked to a different section's navigation bar from a page in your active section, and want to return to the original navigation bar.
Clicking on the index values if any, such as DS, links to that section of the left navigation bar. This is good for quickly moving between topics and easy navigating this site.

The Left Navigation Bar
On some sections there is another subdivision in this navigation bar, such as in The Members section or the Interviews section. Browsing them is easy using the scrolling bar or the index values in the left index.
Clicking on the different links of each section usually loads pages in the main window. Links to external sites, such as Danny Sanderson's Official Home Page, load pages in a full browsing window. Some links, such as interviews titles, load a new navigation bar. Links to Hebrew documents are marked with .

The Main Window
This is where most of the pages are loaded.

Hebrew documents are readable only after downloading Hebrew web fonts. For more information, read the Hebrew page.
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible in any way to any damage that may happen by installing the Hebrew web fonts suggested in the Hebrew page.

I would like to thank each and everyone of the people who e-mailed me or signed my guestbook (which no longer exists). Your remarks, additions and suggestions helped me making this a better website.

I hope you will enjoy this site.

Nadav Lazar